Title 14 Aeronautics and Space Part / Section
Chapter V National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1200 – 1299
Part 1200 Part 1200 [Reserved]
Part 1201 Statement of Organization and General Information 1201.100 – 1201.300
Subpart 1 Introduction 1201.100 – 1201.103
Subpart 2 Organization 1201.200
Subpart 3 Boards and Committees 1201.300
Subpart 4 Subpart 4 [Reserved]
Part 1203 Information Security Program 1203.100 – 1203.1003
Subpart A Scope 1203.100 – 1203.101
Subpart B NASA Information Security Program 1203.200 – 1203.203
Subpart C Classification Principles and Considerations 1203.300 – 1203.305
Subpart D Guides for Original Classification 1203.400 – 1203.412
Subpart E Derivative Classification 1203.500 – 1203.501
Subpart F Declassification and Downgrading 1203.600 – 1203.604
Subpart G Subpart G [Reserved]
Subpart H Delegation of Authority To Make Determinations in Original Classification Matters 1203.800 – 1203.804
Subpart I NASA Information Security Program Committee 1203.900 – 1203.904
Subpart J Special Access Programs (SAP) and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Programs 1203.1000 – 1203.1003
Part 1203a NASA Security Areas 1203a.100 – 1203a.105
§ 1203a.100 Purpose and scope.
§ 1203a.101 Definitions.
§ 1203a.102 Establishment, maintenance, and revocation of security areas.
§ 1203a.103 Access to security areas.
§ 1203a.104 Violation of security areas.
§ 1203a.105 Implementation by field and component installations.
Part 1203b Security Programs; Arrest Authority and Use of Force by NASA Security Force Personnel 1203b.100 – 1203b.109
§ 1203b.100 Purpose.
§ 1203b.101 Scope.
§ 1203b.102 Definitions.
§ 1203b.103 Arrest authority.
§ 1203b.104 Exercise of arrest authority - general guidelines.
§ 1203b.105 Use of non-deadly physical force when making an arrest.
§ 1203b.106 Use of deadly force.
§ 1203b.107 Use of firearms.
§ 1203b.108 Management oversight.
§ 1203b.109 Disclaimer.
Part 1204 Administrative Authority and Policy 1204.400 – 1204.1600
Subparts 1-3 Subparts 1-3 [Reserved]
Subpart 4 Small Business Policy 1204.400 – 1204.403
Subpart 5 Delegations and Designations 1204.500 – 1204.509
Subparts 6-9 Subparts 6-9 [Reserved]
Subpart 10 Inspection of Persons and Personal Effects at NASA Installations or on NASA Property; Trespass or Unauthorized Introduction of Weapons or Dangerous Materials 1204.1000 – 1204.1006
Subpart 11 Enforcing Traffic Laws at NASA Centers and Component Facilities 1204.1100 – 1204.1104
Subparts 12-13 Subparts 12-13 [Reserved]
Subpart 14 Use of NASA Airfield Facilities by Aircraft Not Operated for the Benefit of the Federal Government 1204.1400 – 1204.1407
Subpart 15 Intergovernmental Review of National Aeronautics and Space Administration Programs and Activities 1204.1501 – 1204.1513
Subpart 16 Temporary Duty Travel - Issuance of Motor Vehicle for Home-to-Work Transportation 1204.1600
Appendix A to Part 1204
Items To Cover in Memoranda of Agreement
Part 1205 Part 1205 [Reserved]
Part 1206 Procedures for Disclosure of Records Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 1206.100 – 1206.900
Subpart A Basic Policy 1206.100 – 1206.101
Subpart B Types of Records To Be Made Available 1206.200 – 1206.203
Subpart C Procedures 1206.300 – 1206.308
Subpart D Procedures and Time Limits for Responding to Requests 1206.400 – 1206.403
Subpart E Fees Associated With Processing Requests 1206.500 – 1206.511
Subpart F Commercial Information 1206.600 – 1206.603
Subpart G Appeals 1206.700 – 1206.702
Subpart H Responsibilities 1206.800 – 1206.805
Subpart I Location for Inspection and Request of Agency Records 1206.900
Part 1207 Standards of Conduct 1207.101 – 1207.202
Subpart A General Provisions 1207.101 – 1207.103
Subpart B Post-Employment Regulations 1207.201 – 1207.202
Part 1208 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs 1208.1
§ 1208.1 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition.
Part 1209 Boards and Committees 1209.300 – 1209.405
Subparts 1-2 Subparts 1-2 [Reserved]
Subpart 3 Contract Adjustment Board 1209.300 – 1209.305
Subpart 4 Inventions and Contributions Board 1209.400 – 1209.405
Parts 1210-1211 Parts 1210-1211 [Reserved]
Part 1212 Privacy Act - NASA Regulations 1212.100 – 1212.801
Subpart 1212.1 Basic Policy 1212.100 – 1212.101
Subpart 1212.2 Requests for Access to Records 1212.200 – 1212.205
Subpart 1212.3 Amendments to Privacy Act Records 1212.300 – 1212.302
Subpart 1212.4 Appeals and Related Matters 1212.400 – 1212.402
Subpart 1212.5 Exemptions to Individuals' Rights of Access 1212.500 – 1212.501
Subpart 1212.6 Instructions for NASA Employees 1212.600 – 1212.606
Subpart 1212.7 NASA Authority and Responsibilities 1212.700 – 1212.707
Subpart 1212.8 Failure To Comply With Requirements of This Part 1212.800 – 1212.801
Part 1213 Release of Information to News and Information Media 1213.100 – 1213.109
§ 1213.100 Scope.
§ 1213.101 Applicability.
§ 1213.102 Policy.
§ 1213.103 Responsibilities.
§ 1213.104 Public information coordination and concurrence.
§ 1213.105 Interviews.
§ 1213.106 Preventing release of classified information to the media.
§ 1213.107 Preventing unauthorized release of sensitive but unclassified (SBU) information/material to the news media.
§ 1213.108 Multimedia materials.
§ 1213.109 News releases concerning international activities.
Part 1214 Space Flight 1214.400 – 1214.1107
Subparts 1214.1-1214.3 Subparts 1214.1-1214.3 [Reserved]
Subpart 1214.4 International Space Station Crew 1214.400 – 1214.404
Subpart 1214.5 Subpart 1214.5 [Reserved]
Subpart 1214.6 Mementos Aboard NASA Missions 1214.600 – 1214.610
Subpart 1214.7 The Authority of the NASA Commander 1214.700 – 1214.704
Subparts 1214.8-1214.10 Subparts 1214.8-1214.10 [Reserved]
Subpart 1214.11 NASA Astronaut Candidate Recruitment and Selection Program 1214.1100 – 1214.1107
Subparts 1214.12-1214.17 Subparts 1214.12-1214.17 [Reserved]
Part 1215 Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) 1215.100 – 1215.115
Subpart 1215.1 Use and Reimbursement Policy for Non-U.S. Government Users 1215.100 – 1215.115
Appendix A to Part 1215
Estimated Service Rates in 1997 Dollars for TDRSS Standard Services (Based on NASA Escalation Estimate)
Appendix B to Part 1215
Factors Affecting Standard Charges
Appendix C to Part 1215
Typical User Activity Timeline
Part 1216 Environmental Quality 1216.100 – 1216.311
Subpart 1216.1 Policy on Environmental Quality and Control 1216.100 – 1216.103
Subpart 1216.2 Subpart 1216.2 [Reserved]
Subpart 1216.3 Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 1216.300 – 1216.311
Part 1217 Duty-Free Entry of Space Articles 1217.100 – 1217.106
§ 1217.100 Scope.
§ 1217.101 Applicability.
§ 1217.102 Background.
§ 1217.103 Authority to certify.
§ 1217.104 Certification forms.
§ 1217.105 Procedures.
§ 1217.106 Articles brought into the United States by NASA from space.
Part 1221 The NASA Seal and Other Devices, and the Congressional Space Medal of Honor 1221.100 – 1221.204
Subpart 1221.1 NASA Seal, NASA Insignia, NASA Logotype, NASA Program Identifiers, NASA Flags, and the Agency's Unified Visual Communications System 1221.100 – 1221.116
Subpart 1221.2 The Congressional Space Medal of Honor 1221.200 – 1221.204
Appendix A to Part 1221
Congressional Space Medal of Honor
Part 1230 Protection of Human Subjects 1230.101 – 1230.124
§ 1230.101 To what does this policy apply?
§ 1230.102 Definitions for purposes of this policy.
§ 1230.103 Assuring compliance with this policy - research conducted or supported by any Federal department or agency.
§ 1230.104 Exempt research.
§§ 1230.105-1230.106 §§ 1230.105-1230.106 [Reserved]
§ 1230.107 IRB membership.
§ 1230.108 IRB functions and operations.
§ 1230.109 IRB review of research.
§ 1230.110 Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research.
§ 1230.111 Criteria for IRB approval of research.
§ 1230.112 Review by Institution
§ 1230.113 Suspension or Termination of IRB Approval of Research.
§ 1230.114 Cooperative Research.
§ 1230.115 IRB Records.
§ 1230.116 General Requirements for Informed Consent.
§ 1230.117 Documentation of informed consent.
§ 1230.118 Applications and proposals lacking definite plans for involvement of human subjects.
§ 1230.119 Research undertaken without the intention of involving human subjects.
§ 1230.120 Evaluation and disposition of applications and proposals for research to be conducted or supported by a Federal department or agency.
§ 1230.121 § 1230.121 [Reserved]
§ 1230.122 Use of Federal funds.
§ 1230.123 Early termination of research support: Evaluation of applications and proposals.
§ 1230.124 Conditions.
Part 1232 Care and Use of Animals in the Conduct of NASA Activities 1232.100 – 1232.102
§ 1232.100 Scope.
§ 1232.101 Applicability.
§ 1232.102 Policy.
Part 1240 Inventions and Contributions 1240.100 – 1240.114
Subpart 1 Awards for Scientific and Technical Contributions 1240.100 – 1240.114
Part 1241 To Research, Evaluate, Assess, and Treat (TREAT) Astronauts 1241.05 – 1241.50
§ 1241.05 Purpose and scope.
§ 1241.10 Covered medical care.
§ 1241.15 Definitions.
§ 1241.20 Eligibility.
§ 1241.25 Basic program.
§ 1241.30 Program participation and claims submission.
§ 1241.35 Claims review and decisions.
§ 1241.40 Payment of approved claims.
§ 1241.45 Collaboration with other agencies.
§ 1241.50 Records, confidentiality, privacy, and data use.
Part 1245 Patents and Other Intellectual Property Rights 1245.100 – 1245.304
Subpart 1 Patent Waiver Regulations 1245.100 – 1245.118
Subpart 2 Claims for Patent and Copyright Infringement 1245.200 – 1245.205
Subpart 3 NASA Foreign Patent Program 1245.300 – 1245.304
Subparts 4-5 Subparts 4-5 [Reserved]
Part 1250 Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of NASA - Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 1250.100 – 1250.112
§ 1250.100 Purpose.
§ 1250.101 Applicability.
§ 1250.102 Definitions.
§ 1250.103 Discrimination prohibited.
§ 1250.103-1 General.
§ 1250.103-2 Specific discriminatory acts prohibited.
§ 1250.103-3 Employment practices.
§ 1250.103-4 Illustrative applications.
§ 1250.103-5 Special benefits.
§ 1250.103-6 Medical emergencies.
§ 1250.104 Assurances.
§ 1250.105 Compliance information.
§ 1250.106 Conduct of investigations.
§ 1250.107 Procedure for effecting compliance.
§ 1250.108 Hearings.
§ 1250.109 Decisions and notices.
§ 1250.110 Judicial review.
§ 1250.111 Effect on other regulations; forms and instructions.
§ 1250.112 Relationship with other officials.
Appendix A to Part 1250
NASA Federal Financial Assistance to Which This Part Applies
Part 1251 Nondiscrimination on Basis of Disability 1251.100 – 1251.999
Subpart 1251.1 General Provisions 1251.100 – 1251.113
Subpart 1251.2 Employment Practices 1251.200 – 1251.203
Subpart 1251.3 Accessibility 1251.300 – 1251.302
Subpart 1251.4 Procedures 1251.400
Subpart 1251.5 Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Programs or Activities Conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1251.501 – 1251.999
Part 1252 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance 1252.100 – 1252.411
Subpart 1252.1 General 1252.100 – 1252.103
Subpart 1252.2 Standards for Determining Age Discrimination 1252.200 – 1252.203
Subpart 1252.3 Responsibilities of Recipients 1252.300 – 1252.303
Subpart 1252.4 Investigation, Conciliation, and Enforcement Procedures 1252.400 – 1252.411
Part 1253 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance 1253.100 – 1253.605
Subpart A Introduction 1253.100 – 1253.140
Subpart B Coverage 1253.200 – 1253.235
Subpart C Discrimination on the Basis of Sex in Admission and Recruitment Prohibited 1253.300 – 1253.310
Subpart D Discrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Prohibited 1253.400 – 1253.455
Subpart E Discrimination on the Basis of Sex in Employment in Education Programs or Activities Prohibited 1253.500 – 1253.550
Subpart F Procedures 1253.600 – 1253.605
Part 1259 National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program 1259.100 – 1259.603
Subpart 1 Basic Policy 1259.100 – 1259.103
Subpart 2 Space Grant Program and Project Awards 1259.200 – 1259.203
Subpart 3 National Needs Grants 1259.300 – 1259.303
Subpart 4 Space Grant College and Consortium Designation 1259.400 – 1259.404
Subpart 5 Space Grant Fellowships 1259.500 – 1259.503
Subpart 6 Space Grant Review Panel 1259.600 – 1259.603
Part 1260 Part 1260 [Reserved]
Part 1261 Processing of Monetary Claims (General) 1261.100 – 1261.607
Subpart 1261.1 Employees' Personal Property Claims 1261.100 – 1261.110
Subpart 1261.2 Subpart 1261.2 [Reserved]
Subpart 1261.3 Claims Against NASA or Its Employees for Damage to or Loss of Property or Personal Injury or Death - Accruing On or After January 18, 1967 1261.300 – 1261.317
Subpart 1261.4 Collection of Civil Claims of the United States Arising Out of the Activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 1261.400 – 1261.418
Subpart 1261.5 Administrative Offset of Claims 1261.500 – 1261.508
Subpart 1261.6 Collection by Offset From Indebted Government Employees 1261.600 – 1261.607
Part 1262 Equal Access to Justice Act in Agency Proceedings 1262.101 – 1262.310
Subpart 1262.1 General Provisions 1262.101 – 1262.109
Subpart 1262.2 Information Required From Applicants 1262.201 – 1262.204
Subpart 1262.3 Procedures for Considering Applications 1262.301 – 1262.310
Part 1263 Demand for Information or Testimony Served on Agency Employees; Procedures 1263.100 – 1263.110
§ 1263.100 Purpose and scope.
§ 1263.101 Definitions.
§ 1263.102 Procedure when a demand is issued in a legal proceeding involving the United States.
§ 1263.103 Procedure when a demand is issued in a legal proceeding not involving the United States.
§ 1263.104 Production, disclosure, or testimony prohibited unless approved.
§ 1263.105 Considerations in determining whether production or disclosure should be made.
§ 1263.106 Final decision of the General Counsel as to production, disclosure, or appearance.
§ 1263.107 Procedure to be followed when response to a demand is required before the General Counsel or designate has reached a final decision.
§ 1263.108 Procedure in the event of an adverse ruling.
§ 1263.109 Considerations in determining whether these procedures should be waived.
§ 1263.110 Intention to provide guidance.
Part 1264 Implementation of the Program Fraud Civil Penalties Act of 1986 1264.100 – 1264.146
§ 1264.100 Basis and purpose.
§ 1264.101 Definitions.
§ 1264.102 Basis for civil penalties and assessments.
§ 1264.103 Investigation.
§ 1264.104 Review by the reviewing official.
§ 1264.105 Prerequisites for issuing a complaint.
§ 1264.106 Complaint.
§ 1264.107 Service of complaint.
§ 1264.108 Answer.
§ 1264.109 Default upon failure to file an answer.
§ 1264.110 Referral of complaint and answer to the presiding officer.
§ 1264.111 Notice of hearing.
§ 1264.112 Parties to the hearing.
§ 1264.113 Separation of functions.
§ 1264.114 Ex parte contacts.
§ 1264.115 Disqualification of reviewing official or presiding officer.
§ 1264.116 Rights of parties.
§ 1264.117 Authority of the presiding officer.
§ 1264.118 Prehearing conferences.
§ 1264.119 Disclosure of documents.
§ 1264.120 Discovery.
§ 1264.121 Exchange of witness lists, statements, and exhibits.
§ 1264.122 Subpoena for attendance at hearing.
§ 1264.123 Protective order.
§ 1264.124 Fees.
§ 1264.125 Form, filing, and service of papers.
§ 1264.126 Computation of time.
§ 1264.127 Motions.
§ 1264.128 Sanctions.
§ 1264.129 The hearing and burden of proof.
§ 1264.130 Determining the amount of penalties and assessments.
§ 1264.131 Location of hearing.
§ 1264.132 Witnesses.
§ 1264.133 Evidence.
§ 1264.134 The record.
§ 1264.135 Post-hearing briefs.
§ 1264.136 Initial decision.
§ 1264.137 Reconsideration of initial decision.
§ 1264.138 Appeal to authority head.
§ 1264.139 Stays ordered by the Department of Justice.
§ 1264.140 Stay pending appeal.
§ 1264.141 Judicial review.
§ 1264.142 Collection of civil penalties and assessments.
§ 1264.143 Right to administrative offset.
§ 1264.144 Deposit in Treasury of United States.
§ 1264.145 Compromise or settlement.
§ 1264.146 Limitations.
Appendix A to Part 1264
Notice To Consent to the Chairperson, NASA Board of Contract Appeals (BCA), or Designee, as Presiding Officer
Part 1266 Cross-Waiver of Liability 1266.100 – 1266.104
§ 1266.100 Purpose.
§ 1266.101 Scope.
§ 1266.102 Cross-waiver of liability for agreements for activities related to the International Space Station.
§ 1266.103 § 1266.103 [Reserved]
§ 1266.104 Cross-waiver of liability for launch agreements for science or space exploration activities unrelated to the International Space Station.
Part 1271 New Restrictions on Lobbying 1271.100 – 1271.605
Subpart A General 1271.100 – 1271.110
Subpart B Activities by Own Employees 1271.200 – 1271.210
Subpart C Activities by Other Than Own Employees 1271.300
Subpart D Penalties and Enforcement 1271.400 – 1271.410
Subpart E Exemptions 1271.500
Subpart F Agency Reports 1271.600 – 1271.605
Appendix A to Part 1271
Certification Regarding Lobbying
Appendix B to Part 1271
Disclosure Form To Report Lobbying
Parts 1273-1274 Parts 1273-1274 [Reserved]
Part 1275 Research Misconduct 1275.100 – 1275.108
§ 1275.100 Purpose and scope.
§ 1275.101 Definitions.
§ 1275.102 OIG handling of research misconduct matters.
§ 1275.103 Role of awardee institutions.
§ 1275.104 Conduct of Inquiry by the OIG.
§ 1275.105 Conduct of the OIG investigation of research misconduct.
§ 1275.106 Administrative actions.
§ 1275.107 Adjudication.
§ 1275.108 Appeals.
Appendix to Part 1275
Research Misconduct
Parts 1276-1299 Parts 1276-1299 [Reserved]