Title 14 Aeronautics and Space Part / Section
Chapter II Office of the Secretary, Department of Transportation (Aviation Proceedings) 200 – 399
Subchapter A Economic Regulations 200 – 298
Part 200 Definitions and Instructions 200.1 – 200.2
Part 201 Air Carrier Authority Under Subtitle VII of Title 49 of the United States Code 201.1 – 201.7
Part 203 Waiver of Warsaw Convention Liability Limits and Defenses 203.1 – 203.5
Part 204 Data to Support Fitness Determinations 204.1 – 204.7
Part 205 Aircraft Accident Liability Insurance 205.1 – 205.8
Part 206 Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity: Special Authorizations and Exemptions 206.1 – 206.5
Part 211 Applications for Permits to Foreign Air Carriers 211.1 – 211.35
Part 212 Charter Rules for U.S. and Foreign Direct Air Carriers 212.1 – 212.12
Part 213 Terms, Conditions and Limitations of Foreign Air Carrier Permits 213.1 – 213.7
Part 214 Terms, Conditions, and Limitations of Foreign Air Carrier Permits Authorizing Charter Transportation Only 214.1 – 214.2
Part 215 Use and Change of Names of Air Carriers, Foreign Air Carriers and Commuter Air Carriers 215.1 – 215.6
Part 216 Commingling of Blind Sector Traffic by Foreign Air Carriers 216.1 – 216.6
Part 217 Reporting Traffic Statistics by Foreign Air Carriers in Civilian Scheduled, Charter, and Nonscheduled Services 217.1 – 217.11
Part 218 Lease by Foreign Air Carrier or Other Foreign Person of Aircraft with Crew 218.1 – 218.7
Part 221 Tariffs 221.1 – 221.600
Part 222 Intermodal Cargo Services by Foreign Air Carriers 222.1 – 222.5
Part 223 Free and Reduced-Rate Transportation 223.1 – 223.25
Part 234 Airline Service Quality Performance Reports 234.1 – 234.12
Part 235 Reports by Air Carriers on Incidents Involving Animals During Air Transport 235.1 – 235.3
Part 240 Inspection of Accounts and Property 240.1 – 240.2
Part 241 Uniform System of Accounts and Reports for Large Certificated Air Carriers 01 – 25
Part 243 Passenger Manifest Information 243.1 – 243.17
Part 244 Reporting Tarmac Delay Data 244.1 – 244.3
Part 247 Direct Airport-to-Airport Mileage Records 247.1 – 247.10
Part 248 Submission of Audit Reports 248.1 – 248.5
Part 249 Preservation of Air Carrier Records 249.1 – 249.31
Part 250 Oversales 250.1 – 250.11
Part 251 Carriage of Musical Instruments 251.1 – 251.5
Part 252 Smoking Aboard Aircraft 252.1 – 252.17
Part 253 Notice of Terms of Contract of Carriage 253.1 – 253.10
Part 254 Domestic Baggage Liability 254.1 – 254.6
Part 255 Part 255 [Reserved]
Part 256 Electronic Airline Information Systems 256.1 – 256.6
Part 257 Disclosure of Code-Sharing Arrangements and Long-Term Wet Leases 257.1 – 257.6
Part 258 Disclosure of Change-of-Gauge Services 258.1 – 258.6
Part 259 Enhanced Protections for Airline Passengers 259.1 – 259.8
Part 271 Guidelines for Subsidizing Air Carriers Providing Essential Air Transportation 271.1 – 271.9
Part 272 Part 272 [Reserved]
Part 291 Cargo Operations in Interstate Air Transportation 291.1 – 291.60
Part 292 International Cargo Transportation 292.1 – 292.22
Part 293 International Passenger Transportation 293.1 – 293.22
Part 294 Canadian Charter Air Taxi Operators 294.1 – 294.87
Part 295 Air Charter Brokers 295.1 – 295.52
Part 296 Indirect Air Transportation of Property 296.1 – 296.20
Part 297 Foreign Air Freight Forwarders and Foreign Cooperative Shippers Associations 297.1 – 297.50
Part 298 Exemptions for Air Taxi and Commuter Air Carrier Operations 298.1 – 298.92
Subchapter B Procedural Regulations 300 – 331
Part 300 Rules of Conduct in DOT Proceedings Under This Chapter 300.0 – 300.12
Part 302 Rules of Practice in Proceedings 302.1 – 302.724
Part 303 Review of Air Carrier Agreements 303.01 – 303.46
Part 305 Rules of Practice in Informal Nonpublic Investigations 305.1 – 305.12
Part 313 Implementation of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act 313.1 – 313.7
Part 314 Part 314 [Reserved]
Part 323 Terminations, Suspensions, and Reductions of Service 323.1 – 323.19
Part 325 Essential Air Service Procedures 325.1 – 325.14
Parts 330-331 Parts 330-331 [Reserved]
Subchapter C Subchapter C [Reserved]
Subchapter D Special Regulations 372 – 383
Part 372 Overseas Military Personnel Charters 372.1 – 372.33
Part 374 Implementation of the Consumer Credit Protection Act with Respect to Air Carriers and Foreign Air Carriers 374.1 – 374.4
Part 374a Extension of Credit by Airlines to Federal Political Candidates 374a.1 – 374a.8
Part 375 Navigation of Foreign Civil Aircraft Within the United States 375.1 – 375.70
Part 377 Continuance of Expired Authorizations by Operation of Law Pending Final Determination of Applications for Renewal Thereof 377.1 – 377.11
Part 380 Public Charters 380.1 – 380.67
Part 381 Special Event Tours 381.1 – 381.13
Part 382 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel 382.1 – 382.159
Part 383 Civil Penalties 383.1 – 383.2
Subchapter E Organization 385 – 389
Part 385 Staff Assignments and Review of Action Under Assignments 385.1 – 385.34
Part 389 Fees and Charges for Special Services 389.1 – 389.27
Subchapter F Policy Statements 398 – 399
Part 398 Guidelines for Individual Determinations of Basic Essential Air Service 398.1 – 398.10
Part 399 Statements of General Policy 399.1 – 399.120